black and white bed linen

Building well-being one story at a time.

Explore the world of children's picture books written by a child psychologist.

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Child Psychologist
Children's Book Author

As a children's book author, my goal is to create meaningful stories adults want to share and children want to read. Stories are such a great way to promote learning--and to have fun, too! And while so many things have gone digital, there is still nothing like flipping through the paper pages of a picture book with a child. It's old school and fantastic.

I became a clinical child psychologist many years ago and have dedicated my career to children's mental health. Over the years, I've worked in community, hospital, and school settings. Now my focus is mental health promotion and literacy. I love the idea of teaching children skills and strategies to be well that they can carry all throughout life. What better time to start?

Meet my new picture book

"A fin-tastic look at individuality."

- Kirkus Reviews

The story behind the story

When I was a child, my mother always said she hoped one day I would learn to be patient. The publishing industry has definitely taught me that. I wrote the first version of I NEED PANTS! in 2016. Back then, it was called PANTS: A FISH WISH STORY. I kept learning and reading and growing, and eventually I revised the manuscript and sent it to Owlkids books in April of 2022. Then, in January of 2023, I got the most amazing email asking if the story was still available, and Owlkids Books has been just as fantastic ever since. Check them out! They really do care about children's books.